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4 Benefits of Taking Up Gardening

There are many good reasons why gardening can help you – the most obvious one is that it will make you more calm and relaxed. Boosting your mood is not the only reason for choosing this hobby - some statistics even showed that when you are taking care of a plant, it lowers your heart rate. The fact that this hobby enhances your brain, body and health and your overall wellbeing, in general, doesn`t need scientific proof but still below you will find some of the benefits you will get when you take up gardening.

  • Feel the creativity – when you start your gardening ‘career’, pretty much you are being an artist that creates masterpieces with the help of plants and some tools, of course. Even if your choice was to grow a vegetable garden, the whole process of seeding, watering, pruning, etc may be considered a form of art. When you grow a flower garden, things are slightly different – every single aspect creates a unique artsy touch. You can self-express yourself by making your garden a cosy spot. Making flower beds, designing whimsical patterns with pebbles and putting bird cages around can turn an ordinary garden into a lovely piece of art. Just put your heart in it.
  • You connect to the Earth – you start feeling like a significant part of the world and you can even reconsider your place and effect of your actions. You are in control of growing plants and you start thinking about them as tiny creatures that need you to take positive choices so they can flourish. You will notice that you will try to avoid using pesticides and chemicals in general. You will see that there are other living souls in your garden that may be poisoned if you don`t make the right choices – as soon as you realise that bumbles, ladybugs, crickets and other little creatures depend on your decisions, you will be more environmentally conscious. You are the master of the tiny ecosystem that is in your backyard so when you are positive towards the 'occupants' there, you should expect the same in return. This may seem more of a responsibility now rather than a benefit but you will see that in the long run, you will become a better and more conscientious person.
  • Growing your own food – when you are just a consumer, you don`t tend to pay much attention to what you eat. Even if you are into a healthy and organic lifestyle, you can`t truly experience the joy of eating fine food until you try your self-grown produce. Growing it will provide you with the understanding and connection of where the food actually comes from. It will teach you that food comes in all shapes, it comes with its beauty, flaws and flavour. When you are reading this, you may feel insecure about starting your own garden but this is why there are professional gardening services you can try – the gardeners will give you advice and will help you with your garden. When you feel confident enough, you can take up on your own. When you actually work hard in order to grow your food, you will appreciate it much more plus you will know what you eat – you can never be sure what to expect when buying food in the supermarket. You will learn not to take farmers work for granted. Gardening will also teach you to accept the failure – there are conditions you can`t control. Produce of lesser quality should also be tolerated. Last but not least, you will expand your knowledge on plants – you will be aware which is good for what especially if you are growing herbs in your garden! Eating is medicine!
  • Playing in the garden like a little kid again – getting your hands dirty will bring you back to your childhood memories. Gardening is a combination of work and play! Things that you originally may find disgusting as an adult excited you when you were little – just imagine finding a worm that moves around in the soil. When you were little you definitely had to do this school projects where you grow a seed in a cup and watch it sprout. Well, having a garden is pretty much such project for adults. Feel like a little kid again!

Growing your own garden can bring you only benefits – no matter if you decide to start a vegetable or flower garden you will find pleasure in the simple things of life. When you dedicate time and efforts your garden will be thankful. This stress-relieving hobby is perfect for any age - imagine the smell of the first tomato you pick or the first blossom you see in the Summer!

Category: Home Improvements | Views: 686 | Added by: heather_gilmour | Tags: gardening tips, beautiful garden, gardening | Rating: 0.0/0
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