Home » 2015 » November » 24 » Practical tips for using the juicer
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Practical tips for using the juicer

Juicer is no longer a luxury for the good housewife. Moreover - it is indispensable kitchen appliance that can prepare healthy juices and purees for the whole family. To get the most of it, here are some practical tips that will help you:

  • For better stability, before starting the squeeze, it’s recommended to gently push the juicer to the kitchen countertop. This way suction feet will adhere better to the surface.
  • Each juicer can prepare thick vitamin juice and nectar of fruit or vegetables. It is recommended to drink the juice immediately after squeezing to maximize the benefits of vitamins. If you do not drink it immediately, the juice must be stored in a covered container in the refrigerator. Do not use for storing the beverage metal containers - they worsen the taste of the juice. Make yourself a nice juice of fresh fruit and you will have enough energy for your carpet cleaning Bromley.
  • Washed fruits or vegetables should be cut into rough chunks. Seeds should be removed on mandatory. However for most modern appliances seeds are not a problem.
  • Among the most inappropriate fruits and vegetables for juices are figs, grapes, avocados, eggplant, raspberries, blackberries, currants, elderberry, blueberry, cranberry, red beets. It is desirable for tomatoes to make several incisions with a knife before being put in juicer. Bananas can be added for flavor, as they give a little juice.
  • Practical advice is not to throw fruit waste. Use them in cakes and desserts in the oven, preferably the same day. Vegetable waste may be add to soups, meat dishes, etc.
  • Apple juice will become more transparent, if you add a little lemon juice. Try different combinations in small amounts, then you can start experimenting more.
  • Remember that the juicer must be cleaned thoroughly after use in order not to retain bacteria therein. So, this house cleaning task is very important, don’t miss it! You can clean it better with white vinegar diluted with water (1: 2). This solution easily removes stains left by fruits and vegetables but if you spill some juice on the carpet better ask your carpet cleaning company Bromley for advice how to deal with it before start cleaning it..

What about you? Do you often use your juicer?

Category: Home Improvements | Views: 540 | Added by: heather_gilmour | Tags: homemade juice, how to use juicer, Juicer | Rating: 0.0/0
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